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Meet the Team – Shawn Massie

By November 12, 2020No Comments

Introduce yourself – What’s your role at Quext?

I serve as the CTO/CIO for Quext. I’m always looking to leverage existing technologies in unique and beneficial ways, as well as ensuring we always remain both cutting-edge and bleeding-edge. Internally, I enjoy facilitating and maintaining a trendsetting culture for Quext.

What is your background?

My degree is in Digital Media Electronic Communications from ACU. Initially, I thought I would be in video production. But, I ended up working in the technology space in most of my various jobs – from an environmental lab, freight relocation services, manufacturing, and for Texas Tech doing information systems. At the manufacturing job, I got really into application development and technology. I have now been doing that for about 15 years. 

What do you see for the future of the Quext Software Ecosystem?

I think that we will be viewed as revolutionary in many areas. The biggest win will be how we integrate and work agnostically in the space. Also, I see A.I. being built into all of Quext. To not only help complete tasks but also to provide insights toward potential tasks. I think there’s a misnomer that A.I. will just provide you data, but in reality, it should just provide more efficient ways to execute processes. 

What are you most excited about for the future of technology in the Multifamily Industry?

The rapid change that we’re going to experience. Once a few pieces are realized, and the value is there, there will be a huge demand for more technologies. It keeps us from being stagnant. The lack of innovation in multi-family made it stand still in past years, so now as it continues to evolve, it’s going to be great to see real change and new technologies.

What’s your favorite thing about working for Quext?

A few things. Firstly, being involved in something at the beginning. It’s exciting to see ideas, but even more awesome to be a part of them and come to fruition. Secondly, the potential that Quext holds in Multifamily and technology is overly exciting. There’s a whole runway of things we can introduce people to. But most importantly, the people and the culture. Not only is the multifamily space very caring and friendly, that culture more than permeates Quext as well. 

What’s the last thing you binge watched?

Peaky Blinders.