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2 Ways Leasing Agents Can Use Technology to Support their Residents

By April 13, 2022No Comments

Leasing agents have a unique relationship with their apartment community when it comes to technology and other digital amenities. After being installed on a property, leasing agents are just as much involved in using the technology as residents, while also trying to promote the use of the technology to residents. So, how can leasing agents and other resident facing staff people support their community through the technology installed on their property?


1.Training and Understanding

Whether experts or not, leasing agents and other front line apartment staff are sometimes the first line of defense for questions about different amenities around their community, including technology. It’s important for apartment staff to be trained on how to use the different types of technology, first so they can understand and use it well themselves, but also to be able to assist other individuals. Beyond answering simple questions, apartment staff should also be equipped with links to help videos for residents to use when they need further assistance, or just additional answers to simple questions. 



This is possibly the most important way for apartment staff to support their residents online. Many leasing agents are given tools through property management software and resident portals where they can easily communicate with residents. Some properties are encouraged to use chatbots, like our Digital Human, to create unlimited custom responses to many common questions and any unique questions. 

These are just two quick examples of how leasing agents can support their community through technology. The important thing to note is that leasing agents and other resident-facing staff are just as much affected by new digital amenities as residents, so let’s encourage them to stay educated and use the technology to its best ability!


Have more questions about how you can better equip your leasing agents with new technology? Let’s talk!